How can we help?
We are Wilsons of Cambridge – Low Value Disputes who have the experience and knowledge of working in various sectors of the construction industry helping to be resolution with disputes under the value of £100,000.
Based upon the documentation you provide us, we can review and advise you of the possible options available.
In some instances, where there is a dispute, referring this dispute to an independant person , known as an adjudicator is an option. They take the submissions from each Party and make a Decision on the dispute. This process usually takes 28 days from the dispute being issued or referred to them. (In a minor number, this duration can be extended upto 42 days).
There are procudures where the dispute is lower than £100,000, which include a cap or fixed price fee for the adjudicator. The Construction Industry Council has produced a low value disputes Model Adjudication Procedure (often known as the CIC LVD MAP). A full copy of this Procedure is available here.
Use our contact form below to get in touch.